Charge: The Nominating Committee is responsible for encouraging and soliciting members for the board of directors, proposing procedures for nomination of officers and directors of the Consortium to ensure all nominees are subject to the same process, procedures and rules which are fair, open and transparent, establishing guidelines for the nature and type of communication allowed by nominees with the membership, interviewing candidates, and presenting their credentials to the board of directors for consideration and voting by the board of directors and membership. The Nominating Committee endeavors to present an array of candidates for the board of directors that represents a balanced slate taking into consideration aspects such as geography, size and type of institution or organization from which the candidate derives.
Board Liaison: Amanda Coolidge – BCcampus
Chair: Ignasi Labastida – University of Barcelona
OEC Staff Support: Igor Lesko
Committee Members:
Joseph Hardin, Mujo ResearchC
Christine Geith, Michigan State University
Ali Rabi, Farabi Institute of Higher Education – International University of Iran
Laurelle Jno Baptiste, ScholarLab